2021-11-9 14:48:24 科研 浏览量 :


罗芳芳1 ,肖 琪2 

1 成都工业学院马克思主义学院,四川 成都 

2 成都工业学院大数据与人工智能学院,四川 成都

摘 要

 “勤俭、奋斗、创新、奉献”是新时代劳动精神的核心,作为高校育人主阵地的思想政治教育在大学生 劳动精神培育过程中有着无可替代的显著优势,思想政治教育视域下培育大学生劳动精神的途径可从以 人为本、理论培育、实践教学、优化环境、领导机制五个方面着手。 

关键词 思想政治教育,大学生,劳动精神,培育路径

Study on the Cultivation Path of College Students’ Labor Spirit from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education


 “Frugality, struggle, innovation and dedication” are the core of the spirit of labor in the new era. 

Ideological and political education, as the main position of college education, has an irreplaceable significant advantage in the process of cultivating college students’ labor spirit. From the perspective of ideological and political education, the ways to cultivate college students' labor spirit can be carried out from five aspects: people-oriented, theoretical cultivation, practical teaching, optimization of environment and leadership mechanism. 

Keywords Ideological and Political Education, College Students, Labor Spirit, Cultivation Path

